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Charli Alexander
About Me
Namaste!!, I'm Charli, a 19 year old student from Reading with a passion for exploring the unknown; India was naturally my first choice destination. Along with my 65l rucksack and a head filled with panic and excitement, I headed to Heathrow to board my flight to Chennai. Charli
Charli Alexander's Blogs

My First Impression

Posted By Charli Alexander on 02 Jan 2008
Stepping out of the airport i was assaulted by the intense heat of Chennai and the noise, oh my god, the noise! horns were beeping frantically for no apparent reason- i knew i was going to have to get used to the idea that tooting your horn doesn't mean the same thing as in does at home i.e 'sh*t! i'm going to crash into you!' I got in the car and leaned over my left shoulder with a tugging action.

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