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David Kershaw
About Me
Hey, Dave here! I had just finished my A levels and decided to take a year out before going to University to study Mathematical Physics. Read my diary to hear about my time in India. From being chase
David Kershaw's Blogs

My time in India!

Posted By David Kershaw on 10 May 2006
Working in India was a strange experience, through which, I have gained a lot of qualities which will be of use careerwise, as well as some great stories, and good friends. I worked as a culture coach, meaning I corrected misunderstandings, and gave a British perspective. I ran sessions on UK culture to groups of about 20-40 on a weekly basis, covering everything from what we think of the weather, what cars we drive, the houses we live in to what we think about marriage .

My Projects

Elephant Safari

Posted By David Kershaw on 16 Jan 2006
So I got rammed by an elephant yesterday. Well, actually let's start from the beginning. One of my friends at work was arranging an outing to the jungle. So the 24 of us got on a 15 seater dirty-but-used-to-be-bright-red-and-white bus converted to a 22 seater by the magic of seats which were upright, and reducing the leg room. The roof of the bus was actually held together with carpet!! So, we drove on and ended up in the jungle, at a place with a freezing swimming pool and a tennis table.

My Projects

Dancing Dave

Posted By David Kershaw on 12 Nov 2005
Here's to Englishmen who can't dance! It appears that there are a few bars and clubs in Bangalore, and it seems to be the way of my workmates over here that everyone goes to a club every weekend. There's another Englishman out here, called Mic, and he's an Englishman who can't dance...ahem.. a fellow Englishman who can't dance. Yes, we were invited for a night out by three girls at work, and we made idiots out of ourselves in the proud Englishman-abroad fashion after that one-too-many.

My Projects

Hello and Help me

Posted By David Kershaw on 08 Oct 2005
OK, I'm here, I'm tired, finding it hard to eat properly and not achieving anything. Welcome to india! So, after that scary start, let's just say that I love this place!! I've sorted myself out and have set budgets, timings and extravagancies sensibly for a daily basis in Bangalore. The only trouble I'm having is at work. Me and Deepak were given the responsibility of coming up with an incentive, so we set out some rules, asked what's achievable and sensible, and have done some advertising.

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