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John Scott
About Me
Hi, I'm John, an 18 year-old Scotsman from the capital of Edinburgh and I am in New Delhi for 2 months doing a medical internship. I plan to be studying medicine in the future so this will be a fantastic opportunity to get a close up view of a hospital in India. I'll try to update my blog as much as I can to give a vaguely accurate view of the things I’ve been doing. John
John Scott's Blogs

Working at the hospital

Posted By John Scott on 03 Jul 2010
Our first day at the hospital was a fairly dramatic start. After sorting out a few trainee badges for us, Neelofer Abbasi, our main organizer at the hospital, took us up to ER and literally 30 seconds after arriving there a woman was rushed in having a heart attack. It was immediately obvious who the head of the department was as we saw Dr Navneet walk swiftly over to the woman take a quick look at her and then start barking commands to all the staff around him.

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First Blog Entry

Posted By John Scott on 02 Jul 2010
Hello everyone, sorry it has taken me so long to get this done but things seem to be happening faster than I can find time to write about At this point I am just three weeks in and will attempt to relay most of the things that have happened so far. I arrived in Delhi slightly later than expected due to our airplane getting a punctured tire on Heathrow runway. We were stuck on the ground for two hours at which point I could tell that some of the passengers were very willing to go out and to change the tire themselves.

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