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Imogen Bibby
About Me
Hi, I'm Imogen. I'm 20, and currently in my 3rd year of studying Sociology at Durham University. During holidays I also work for the charity MENCAP as a support worker for adults and children with severe learning disabilities. I’m travelling to Romania to volunteer in care homes. It has always been an ambition of mine to travel and make a difference for the children in Romania. I am very excited about travelling and working with the children, and look forward to many new experiences.
Imogen Bibby's Blogs

First Week

Posted By Imogen Bibby on 12 Jul 2011
12th July:This morning we travelled from Csikzereda to Ordorheiu secuiesc to go to another summer camp, to work with the children, but also to get ideas for activities and trips, as our summer camp starts next week. The home was very spacious, and all the children were enjoying activities provided by other Durham University volunteers. The communication between me and the children was improved by translators, and the children were keen to learn English words, and to also teach me Hungarian! We did lots of activities such as football, parachute games, cooking etc.

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