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Rosalie Warner
About Me
Hi, I'm Rosalie and I'm going to be teaching English to slum children in Kolkata for the next 3 months, before hopefully doing a little bit of travelling in December. This is a little record of what I'm doing for people to see while I'm out there - hope you enjoy it! Rosalie
Rosalie Warner's Blogs

The Last Two Months

Posted By Rosalie Warner on 03 Sep 2010
Hello... it's been quite a long time since my last blog so I have a feeling this is going to be a bit of an essay - where to start... ...Well, as for what I've been doing over the past couple of months apart from my project, at the beginning of October we went to Bodhgaya: saw the Bodhi tree (the tree that Buddha sat under and became enlightened, for those of you not familiar with Buddhism), touched the railing around the Bodhi tree, and didn't buy a Bodhi tree leaf skeleton from man trying to sell me one.

My Projects

Arriving in India

Posted By Rosalie Warner on 02 Sep 2010
Arriving in India is the most disconcerting thing. I know everyone says this but there are SO MANY PEOPLE. No, not like London, or any other city in Europe for that matter. There's no comparison. And they ALL stare at you (if you're white - if I was of Indian origin and male things would be different.... in more ways than one...). On the way to my homestay I noticed there are billboards everywhere advertising what is essentially skin bleach, promising, and I quote "fairer skin in just 7 days!" Being the palest person I know now seems to be working to my advantage!! I was the first one to arrive at my homestay - Mr Bahr, widower, aged 72 = LEGEND.

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