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Markus Worthington
About Me
Hi, I'm Markus. I am 18 and am currently on my gap year ahead of going to Uni this September. Having completed my A-Levels, last summer, I was desperate to get away, travel, and explore a new country and to gain some practical field work experience - the Crocodile Conservation Volunteer Project project in Chennai was the perfect opportunity for me to do all of this!
Markus Worthington's Blogs

My Weekend Wedding

Posted By Markus Worthington on 03 Feb 2006
Last Sunday evening was as usual my trip to 'Selomonis' house for dinner (Selomonis is one the Keepers at the Crocodile Bank), only this week I was not to go to his house but to a wedding. He drove me by motor bike (as with all the trips I have taken on motor bike you may be worried to hear that at no time have I worn leather or helmet) to a little side street on the outskirts of Chennai, this little alleyway led to two tiny house where disorganized chaos was taking place.

My Projects

Family Life

Posted By Markus Worthington on 02 Feb 2006
I went to Chengalputt with my friend Dinesh to visit his family. After setting off at 6.30am, we arrived in Chengal and went off to his Grandmas' place. When I got there I was greeted by an army of faces - the grandfather, grandmother, auntie, uncle, 6 cousins (all under 10) and brother of Dinesh. The smallest cousin was about a year old, in the western world he would be given a disposable nappy but this is India and only the middle and upper classes can afford them.

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