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Amy Sturman
About Me
Hi, I'm Amy, I am really enjoying my time. So far I cannot help but experience new cultures and within two weeks I feel I have already broadened my horizons. Everyone here is so friendly that you can'
Amy Sturman's Blogs

First Week

Posted By Amy Sturman on 02 Aug 2007
We had a great weekend in Hyderabad. We visited the Golgondra Fort and the Buddha Statue in the lake which we took a ferry out to. It rained a lot at the weekend though so we got soaked on a couple of occasions. The train journey was an experience! We saw a couple of rats but all in all it was an ok journey. I loved Hyderabad! We bought loads of bangles from all the shops that the streets are crammed full with, along with pearls, scarves, bags, earrings etc.

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