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Ewa Gheeraert
About Me
Half French and half Polish, Ewa was raised in France and Japan. While studying for a BA in International Relations in London, she was involved with societies Student Action for Refugees and UNICEF.
Ewa Gheeraert's Blogs

An amazing eight months!

Posted By Ewa Gheeraert on 07 Sep 2015
This is my last blog entry as an intern in Thailand for GapGuru. I have now been here for nearly 8 months. These past months have been simply incredible, both because this internship has taught me so much as well living in the crazy place that Thailand is. This internship has been my first experience working in a field where I consider a career for myself (this excludes my previous experiences working in coffee shops and Christmas markets).

My Projects

Learning Thai: A short introduction to the language

Posted By Ewa Gheeraert on 25 Jun 2015
Thai language is often said to be one of the most difficult to learn. Here is a little guide outlining some characteristics of the language that I have encountered. It is spoken by approximately 60 million people and is similar to Lao. I hope this will enlighten you on the subject and perhaps make you want to learn this beautiful language. I have been in Thailand for five months now, interning for the FutureSense Foundation near Chiang Mai.

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