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Rosi Elliott
About Me
Hey! I'm Rosi, nice to (figuratively) meet you. At the moment I'm halfway through my gap year, after which I'll be studying Chemistry at Leeds University. In other words, I have six months left before I once again plunge into the joyous world of education! In this time, I've decided to partake in the Orphanage Volunteer programme in Bangalore for three months. Hopefully, it'll help broaden my horizons past the very English middle class existence I've lived thus far. It's inevitable that I'll offend a local (or ten) along the way, fall over something (self coordination isn't my forte) or get hopelessly lost somewhere but that's all part of the experience!
Rosi Elliott's Blogs

Organisation? What is that strange word you speak of...?

Posted By Rosi Elliott on 14 Mar 2014
I have one more day before I fly off for India! As I write this, I am heavily procrastinating. My bedroom currently resembles a tip in that there are endless piles of stuff scattered around that need sorting and packed into my rucksack. Should I be doing that right now? Yes. Am I going to? No. In case you haven't gathered, organisation isn't my strong point. Getting everything sorted for India was a minor miracle that surely must have had some intervention from a higher being.

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